Category Archives: ENG 7

Friday, 24th of August

Writing task

You have been studying and using the English language for a long time. How competent do you feel about your English at this point? Write an essay in which you assess your main strengths and weaknesses in the four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. For each skill, think about which areas you need to improve and in which areas you feel self-confident.

Be sure to introduce your topic to the reader and then select the main points you intend to take up. Please be conscious of paragraphing and linking in your writing.

Remember to give your essay a title!

Length: about 400 words.

Oral production and interaction

Topic “Future Jobs”

Monday, 16th of May
Nicole, Jonna and Klara:8:15
Mathilda and Johanna: 8:50
Fanny and Lavin: 9:20

Friday, 20th of May
Rasmus, Victor and Andreas: 9:00

Jenny, Julia and David: 9:30

Monday, 25th of April

Jane Eyre

Answer the following questions:

Is Jane Eyre a likeable protagonist? Is she the typical heroine? Why/ Why not?

Why is Jane unable to stay with Mr Rochester after his marriage to Bertha Mason is revealed?

Considering Mr Rochester’s treatment of Bertha Mason, is he sympathetic or unsympathetic character?

Do you feel sympathy toward Bertha?

What’s your personal impression about the story?

What scene in the film has moved you deeply?

Why do you think the novel “Jane Eyre” is a classic in the English literary canon?

Write a short presentation about Charlotte Brontë.

Friday, the 5th of February

Important Dates

Week 15:

Essay Writing: Monday, the 11th of April (from 8 to 10:00)

Reading Comprehension: Friday, the 15th April ( from 8:30 to 10:00)

1st draft: Friday, 12th of February (week 6)
2nd draft: Monday, 7th of March (week 10)
Final copy: week 17 (Monday)


February and March: report writing + practice reading and listening comprehension+ vocabulary ( Vocabulary for IELTS)

April: Literary Periods and Movements + Reading a play + film

May: Work issues
Giving a speech