Category Archives: SAS16 ENG 5

Tuesday, 23rd of May

Classroom 0076

Daniel and Simon L 10:10

David, Nasim and Vanessa: 10:30

Alexander, Erik and Kevin: 10:50

William, Isho and Fabian: 11:30

Casper and Axel:11:50


Working Together

Working together with other people is important in most aspects of life- for example in school, at work and even between nations. Cooperation is sometimes fun and easy, but sometimes it involves challenges and difficulties.


Every conversation requieres at least 2 to function. There are four ways to look on you conversation partner:
as a listener: be a good listener, make sure that you listen to what is said. Show a positive attitude

as an assistant: you can help out if someone struggles to find the right word or expression.

as a filler of awkward silences: you all share a responsabilty to fill silences.

take turns: turn-taking is the most fundemantal element of a conversation.

ask questions

turn the topic around: you stick to the topic but change the direction, give a different perspective

Useful phrases
If you agree:
I completely/absolutely agree with you
That’s true
You’re abolutely rigth
I couldn’t agree more
I think so too.

If you partially agree
That’s true but
I see you point but
I’m not so sure about that
It is not as simple as it seems

If you disagree
I totally disagree
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
I’m sorry to disagree with you, but

Thursday, 11th of May

Topic: Working Together

Tuesday, 16th of May
Classroom 1072
Michelle and Matilda


Every conversation requieres at least 2 to function. There are four ways to look on you conversation partner:
as a listener: be a good listener, make sure that you listen to what is said. Show a positive attitude

as an assistant: you can help out if someone struggles to find the right word or expression.

as a filler of awkward silences: you all share a responsabilty to fill silences.

take turns: turn-taking is the most fundemantal element of a conversation.

ask questions

turn the topic around: you stick to the topic but change the direction, give a different perspective

Useful phrases
If you agree:
I completely/absolutely agree with you
That’s true
You’re abolutely rigth
I couldn’t agree more
I think so too.

If you partially agree
That’s true but
I see you point but
I’m not so sure about that
It is not as simple as it seems

If you disagree
I totally disagree
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
I’m sorry to disagree with you, but

Speaking: Families large and small

Thursday, 5th of May


Tuesday, 9th of May

Group 1: Esma, Zineb and Evelyn 12:30

Group 2: Daniella, Simon K and Mellinda 12:45

Group 3: Hannah, Frida and Emma 13:00

Group 4: Joel, Hampus and Theodor 13:20

Group 5: Tia. Emina and Dawid 14:00

Tuesday, 25th of april


Writing: Wednesday, 3rd of May
Reading and Listening: Monday, 8th of May
Tuesday, 9th of May (from 12:30-….)
Esma, Zineb and Evelyn
Daniella, Simon K and Mellinda
Hannah, Frida and Emma
Joel, Hampus and Theodor
Tia, Emina and Dawid

Tuesday, 16th of May (from 11:25-…..)
Michell and Matilda
David, Nasim and Vanessa
Willian, Isho and Fabian
Daniel and Simon L
Alexander, Erik and Kevin
Casper and Axel


Topic: Working Together


Every conversation requieres at least 2 to function. There are four ways to look on you conversation partner:
as a listener: be a good listener, make sure that you listen to what is said. Show a positive attitude

as an assistant: you can help out if someone struggles to find the right word or expression.

as a filler of awkward silences: you all share a responsabilty to fill silences.

take turns: turn-taking is the most fundemantal element of a conversation.

ask questions

turn the topic around: you stick to the topic but change the direction, give a different perspective

Useful phrases
If you agree:
I completely/absolutely agree with you
That’s true
You’re abolutely rigth
I couldn’t agree more
I think so too.

If you partially agree
That’s true but
I see you point but
I’m not so sure about that
It is not as simple as it seems

If you disagree
I totally disagree
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you
I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
I’m sorry to disagree with you, but

Thursday, 20th of April


Writing: Wednesday, 3rd of May

Reading and Listening comprehension: Monday, 8th of May.

Speaking: Tuesday 9th and Tuesday 16th of May

Speaking: Topic

Working Together

Working together with other people is important in most aspects of life- for example in school, at work and even between nations. Cooperation is sometimes fun and easy, but sometimes it involves challenges and difficulties.

Give examples of working together in the following areas: at school, at work, between nations.

Choose one of the follwing topics. Write at least 150 words

My dream job

My first job

Tuesday, the 18th of April

Reading comprehension text

Examination Day

Vocabulary list (pages 191 and 192)
Working with the text (pages 192)

Speaking : Tuesday, 9th of May (from 12:30 to 15:30) and Tuesday, 16th of May (from 11:25 to 14:30)

Homework: vocabulary list page 191

Tuesday, 4th of April

Text: Jamie Oliver, Britain’s Top Chef

We read an article on Jamie Oliver, Britain’s Top TV Chef. After reading the article we work with the text.

Homework: vocabulary list (page 89) and Vegetables and Herbs (page 92)

Thursday, 29th of March

Hall of Fame: a place that provides a memorial for famous people anf their achievements.

Hall of Fame worksheet
First you work individually
-Imagine that you are organizing a hall of fame for the most famous people of the past 50 years. Work indiviadually and rank the names in each category in order of importance.

Work in groups of four

-Your group is setting up a Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, money is limited and you can only include a few people from the list you have got. You need to choose two people from each of the four categories. Your choices should include both women and men.

-Discuss each category and decide on two names. If you cannot reach and agreement, take a vote. If the vote is tied, toss a coin.

-Each group member take charge of one category and write 80 words why these two people were chosen and why the others were rejected.

-Read each other’s texts and suggest improvements if necessary.