Wednesday, 22nd of November

Stone Cold by Robert Swindells
We listen to the first two chapters all together and discuss their content

Vocabulary list: invisible: osynlig, doorway: dörröppning, passers-by:förbipasserande, untidy:ostädat, fult, fascinating: fascinerande, routine: rutin, shelter: skydd, ring: klang, crave: längtar efter, get fell in: kom hit.

Link: chapter 1
Where was Link born?
Who does he blame for how he has ended up?
How did Link end up homeless?

Daily Routine Orders 1
How do we know that someone different is speaking in this section?
How does he call himself?

In Daily Routine Orders we meet a man called Shelter who begins to tell us about what he thinks about homeless people and what he does each day with them. Many chapters will start with Shelter’s ‘daily routine’.

The setting
The characters
The theme